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Our Academics


This year we will spend 10-15 minutes a day working on cursive handwriting. 


This year our topics will include:


1. Earth's Patterns & Space

2. Earth's Features

3. Matter

4. Energy and Motion

5. Human Uses of Energy

6. Plants & Animals

7. Living Things & the Environment

Social Studies

This year  we will be learning about Florida History. We will start with explores and continue through to modern times. 


We will have a heavy focus on writing. This year, students will take a Writing FSA and scores are incorporated into the student's reading score. 


The two main types of writing we will be practicing are:


For the informative/explanatory writing prompts, students will be required to synthesize and analyze ideas from the stimuli to develop and support a controlling idea.  

For the opinion/argumentative writing prompts, students will be required to synthesize and analyze ideas and evidence from stimuli. They will use these ideas to present and support an to edit.

PLEASE encourage your child to independently read or read stories with them!!!


Reading helps expose them to new vocabulary, which helps them to not only be more successful this year, but throughout their entire life. 


Having a richer vocabulary helps them read unfamiliar text, decode unfamiliar words and allows them to write with more effectively.


Topics we will cover this year are

1. Place Value, Addition & Subtraction to One Million

2. Multiply by 1-Digit & 2-Digit  Numbers

3. Divide by 1-Digit Numbers

4. Factors, Multiples & Patterns

5. Fractions

6. Two Dimensional Figures

7. Angles

8. Measurements

9. Perimeter and Area


This year we will complete 25 reading lessons (or stories) in addition to several read alouds.


Our stories will come from many different genres that fall under both Literature and Informational Texts. 


For each of the reading lessons, students will also receive instruction in grammar, spelling and vocabulary.

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